I've dropped the ball over the last year but I do have an excuse. The combination of no one really using sqlchain, my wife of 16 years dying and me leaving my home in Thailand, just meant I didn't spend much time updating sqlchain or this blog. I didn't even renew the domain name last year. On the upside namecheap had a domain sale and I was prompted to get the name back. This led to my current splurge of energy to try and renew efforts to update everything. And there is actually quite a bit to document and update, along with a new direction over the next month.

In summary, last year from September to January I "lived" in the hospital caring for my wife. During December I also did a lot of new coding on sqlchain. I added altcoin and bech32 support along with numerous smaller new bits like test units and a dialog based config tool. Most of that was released at end of December but with very little documentation. On January 8th my wife died. So now I have a double whammy each year as I'll be remembering her on the 8th, right after celebrating the Bitcoin birthday on the 3rd.

One of my missions over the next while is to update here with blog posts describing the new features and some of the restructuring that I did. In addition, looking forward, I'd like to replace the config tool again with a web based admin panel. This would allow configuring a new sqlchain install but be a useful admin panel to monitor system status, coin activity and resource use. The idea is that once you pip install sqlchain you could use your browser as interface for configuring and adding coins and monitoring db sync status. I have ideas about making it modular so that it could blend other system info like goaccess (web analytics) or logs into one server overview panel. That's probably down the road a bit. Also on the drawing board is revising the demo web page to be more like an explorer such as the blockstream.info one.

For now I just wanted to post here and say I'm back and will be adding more posts to document the heap of new code pushed up last year. I think there are perhaps a dozen or so possible topics on my list now. Plus I have just added two new features over the last week which I'll need to explain more fully. If you are actually using sqlchain for something it would be very helpful if you commented or let me know. It would help spur development or with project direction.

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