For about 75 blocks yesterday I had a fully sync'd MySQL DB of the blockchain - as of block 439,395 BC (before corruption). Here are some numbers at that time:

124 GB Full Disk Size, consisting of:

    3.1 GB Bitcoin blockchain (pruned, mostly 2.7GB of chainstate)

    57 GB MySQL DB of which,

        30 GB is MYD data files
        27 GB is MYI index files (can be rebuilt from data)

    And then there is the "witness" data (signatures)

    64 GB blobs.dat (in the sqlchain directory)

The 27GB of index files needs to be on fast SSD storage during a full sync. The blockchain and data files can get by fairly well on spinning platters. And the blobs data could be offline if need be. There is a fancy trick I figured out for offline witness data, but more on that later. Going forward now I'll be testing with all data on a 300GB RAID-10 hard disk to see how well it performs for the demo API server.

The time to sync was really hard to pin down because I had several changes in operating conditions over the sync period, and my record keeping was utterly un-scientific. My recollection is taking about 5 days to reach block 350,314 on the 4vCPU-4GB-300GB VPS resulting in the layout below before I then rsync'd over to the (semi) dedicated server.

@sql 350314 / btc 351040
pruned 250 of 252 files
dux /var/data
19G     /var/data/mysql
776K    /var/data/www
1.3G    /var/data/bitcoin
21G     /var/data/sqlchain
41G     /var/data

During most of that time I had bitcoind blocked with iptables rules (blkbtc utility) so it would respond to RPC calls without being able to add new blocks. It downloads and verifies much faster than sqlchaind can add them to the MySQL DB. Yes, bitcoind gets so gung-ho on verifying blocks that there is little CPU time left for much else, and if sqlchaind cannot process blocks then they don't get pruned - which was a main focus of my test case here.

After the rsync to the faster SSD based system, processing blocks sped up by a factor of 5-8 times. I altered the code to use two threads with queueing for inserting SQL data; which helped make better use of the multiple cores. From my billing record this system ran for 102 hours but some of that time was a rebuild due to a screw up I made during the testing of multi-thread code. I lost around 24 hours on that, leaving 78 hours to actually finish the sync. All told, about 8 days for a full sync, though if started on a faster system I'd bet on more like 4-5 days.

In comparison it seems a regular sync of bitcoind can take as little as 8 hours and currently uses either 108 GB of disk space or, with txindex turn on, around 226 GB. So overall I'm pretty happy with this. I get a lot of query functionality for about half the size of the txindex blockchain. And witness data purging is still an option for reducing space. Removing blobs.dat cuts out 64 GB giving a nice lean 60 GB queryable database.

And talking about blobs, here is the trick I worked out. If, for example, you are on a VPS with < 100 GB SSD available and don't want to splurge on double that (seems these choices go up double each price step) then it's possible to have your cake and eat it. You want to keep that disk space for MySQL data but not entirely throw out the witness data because maybe later you will use it. As you near full capacity during the sync you can briefly stop sqlchaind, and rename blobs.dat (eg. blobs.0.dat) and copy that offline. Now use the truncate command to create a sparse zero byte file of exactly the same size, eg.

truncate -s 34765456543 blobs.dat

This file takes up zero disk space but holds the positional state for new sig data appended. It's a "hollow" blob. As more data is added you can repeat the process again but to avoid copying that many zeros bytes across the net I'd suggest first copying only the new data off the top (to, eg. blobs.1.dat with dd) and again making a new truncate file for the new total size.

dd if=blobs.dat iflag=skip_bytes skip=34765456543 bs=1M of=blobs.1.dat

Essentially you can log witness data to cheap storage as you go using very little of the limited VPS space. Now, if I had a 512 GB SSD sitting in a dedicated colo server I wouldn't bother with all this rubbish but then I wouldn't be pushed to figuring out these nifty workarounds.

The Vultr server cost me $5 to run the tests. I deposited $5 via Paypal (they do take bitcoin but I haven't needed to fund it more yet), and they gave me a $20 bonus trial deposit. After spinning up 6 different servers and mounting 3 various (100,50,25 GB) block storage volumes I've used a total of $12. Slow hand clap.

As I write this I am nearing completion of the blockchain for a second time and will finally be restarting sqlchaind and moving back to the smaller VPS to launch the demo API server.

I experienced something new yesterday. Bitcoin can get corrupted, and I don't mean the political climate. I had a full sync done at block 439,321 and sometime later was moving block data over to the slower VPS system to test when I noticed that bitcoind was stopped. I mean I started it and a few seconds later it stopped itself. A short exploring of the debug.log showed me it had been corrupted some time before at block 439,395 and had been spewing log errors for a while. When I stopped bitcoind to move the data I had not noticed, and copied corrupt data over to the other system overwriting what was actually non-corrupted blocks. I guess one should always check the debug log before assuming it's in a healthy state. So, copy done, went to start again and seems bitcoind will run with errors but not start fresh with errors. Bam!

The problem with a pruned blockchain is that any corruption/failure means starting from block zero again. Ouch. Fortunately, since mysql data is detached from bitcoind data it was not affected and just has to wait for re-sync. And the bonus to a pruned blockchain, and my lesson for today, is that at only about 2GB it's not unwise to keep checkpoint copies of the bitcoin directory as a safe guard. If the chain is corrupted, then swap in a good recent one and catch up again. Corollary: check your backup debug.log to make sure your checkpoints aren't corrupted before rolling over.

I'm using this as an excuse for delaying my Full-Sync Report - I am working on it.

Using Git to deploy changes to web sites has been around for a while - year and years. I just thought I'd share a small twist that I haven't seen others doing, yet. I started out the normal way by adding a post-receive hook on the git server, but the problem with that is it's not under version control itself. So when I want to change how I deploy I need to login to the server and make the changes, and I have to track those changes somewhere else - I guess another repo perhaps. So I came up with a bit better way.

I have a post-receive hook I put up on all my deployable web site repositories. It does the usual checkout but instead of taking further action it actually moves to the checked out directory and looks for a deploy script to call. So now the actual deployment is within the repo, and can be modified along with other code. And it can handle deployment differently for each repo/site.

Here's the scripts I use - first, the post-receive hook. This is real simple and goes in your git server repo hooks directory:


unset GIT_DIR

while read from to branch
    mkdir -p "${DEPLOY_WORK}"
    GIT_WORK_TREE="${DEPLOY_WORK}" git checkout -f "${branch}" 
    cd "${DEPLOY_WORK}"
    if [ -f deploy ]; then
        ./deploy "${branch##*/}"
    rm -rf "${DEPLOY_WORK}"

Then I make a deploy script that sits inside the repo. And a nice thing here is it can be in python or whatever you like, as long as you have that on your server. In my case I put static web sites in an Amazon S3 bucket because it's fast, scales well, and basically free for low traffic web sites. So I use the nice s3cmd tool to take care of uploading.

# for s3 deploy of git repo
# script to upload src directory to a bucket selected by branch script argument $1
# include in repo and git server post-receive hook can call to deploy
# depends on s3cmd - pip install s3cmd


declare -A branch

if [[ "${branch[$1]}" ]]; then
    echo "Deploying "$1" to "$bucket
    touch .gzs .gitignore .s3ignore
    gzs=$(find $src -name '*.gz')
    for f in $gzs; do 
      echo $fx >> .gzs
      echo ${fx%.gz} >> .gzs
      s3cmd sync --guess-mime-type --no-mime-magic --acl-public --add-header="Content-Encoding:gzip" --no-preserve --add-header="Cache-Control:public, max-age=86400" "$f" "s3://$bucket/${fx%.gz}";
    s3cmd sync -r --exclude-from '.s3ignore' --exclude-from '.gzs' --exclude-from '.gitignore' --delete-removed --acl-public --no-preserve --guess-mime-type --no-mime-magic --add-header="Cache-Control:public, max-age=86400" $src/ s3://$bucket
    rm .gzs
    echo "Branch "$1" has no bucket - not deployed."

The cool thing here is that this deploy script looks at the branch being deployed and chooses what bucket to push to. It could make other choices like what web root directory to copy to on the server. Mine also checks for .gz and renames and sets content encoding. It can even make other changes - nasty ones too, so be aware someone with access to your local git repo can run as the git user on your server - you have limited the privelages for your git user, right?

When I work on a web site I do it in the test branch. And a simple git push sends any detected changes to the server where the deploy script is invoked to push the right content up to the right bucket on S3. When I'm happy with changes, I git checkout master and git merge test, then git push. And auto-magically it ends up in the production bucket. Here's what see when I push my test branch - output from my deploy script:

neocogent$ git push
Counting objects: 42, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
Writing objects: 100% (16/16), 1.26 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 16 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Previous HEAD position was c80a8ab... how i deploy
remote: HEAD is now at 7359b74... tweaks
remote: Deploying test to
remote: upload: 'output/author/neocogent.html' -> 's3://'  [1 of 4]
remote:  47281 of 47281   100% in    0s   392.00 kB/s  done
remote: upload: 'output/blog/2017/01/how-i-do-deploy.html' -> 's3://'  [2 of 4]
remote:  21006 of 21006   100% in    0s   186.52 kB/s  done
remote: upload: 'output/index.html' -> 's3://'  [3 of 4]
remote:  47162 of 47162   100% in    0s   403.86 kB/s  done
remote: upload: 'output/sitemap.xml' -> 's3://'  [4 of 4]
remote:  8756 of 8756   100% in    0s    95.35 kB/s  done
remote: Done. Uploaded 124205 bytes in 1.0 seconds, 121.29 kB/s.
   c80a8ab..7359b74  test -> test

Typically this is pretty fast as Git only sends the changes to the server and it compresses data. Manually uploading to S3 is quite slow from my location so having the server expand files and send from there on a "big pipe" is super quick. Notice above - I cannot get 400 KB/s upload from home.

I also have a few aliases that reduce command fatigue - put these in your ~/.gitconfig (all repos) or .git/config (local repo). repush allows me to re-deploy even without changing files; useful for testing. The other two are handy too.

    repush = "!f() { git commit --allow-empty --amend --no-edit; git push; }; f"
    golive = "!f() { git checkout master; git merge test; git push; }; f"
    test = "!f() { git checkout test; }; f"

I've spent the last week or so working on getting a demo server running for sqlChain. This is just a first step on the way to a more functional and useful explorer site.

I started out on Amazon EC2 with an m4.large instance. It's familiar and easy to start a server and get to it. I created a 50GB EBS data volume and attached that. Trying to save money I mistakenly chose the "Magnetic" type. First time I tried that, and little did I know that it isn't the same as "Cold HDD". I thought it cost 2.5 cents/GB/mo. but it was actually 5 cents. The real kicker is this EBS type charges for I/O and 42 million DB accesses later I realized this. Ehh, nuked that volume and thought more about using a VPS where resources aren't pay-as-you-go.

After a brief scan of I found Hudson Valley had a 4-vCPU-4GB-300GB offering for $5/mo. and takes Bitcoin. That sounds great, and even though it's not SSD storage, I thought it would do for testing. I sync'd up to block 389,000 before the IOPS of hard disk storage became painful and started looking for a temporary high end solution. Next up - because they also take Bitcoin. They require you to initially fund with Paypal or credit card. I guess that's to link your real world identity to the account. No worries. I added $5 from Paypal and got a $20 bonus credit to play with. Later I found out with some Google-fu I could have got $50 free credit.

Vultr Usage Charts

The Hudson Valley VPS is your traditional pay-per-month but Vultr is more a cross between a VPS and Amazon cloud computing. You pay-per-use but not as granular and not as flexible with many niceties missing. I needed something with SSD and more speed. I started a quick test on the 1-vCPU-1GB VPS and noticed the storage speed is not even close to real SSD specs. I guess they use the SSD speed to cram more users in for a cheap price. So the next step was a "hybrid" server - they have a 2-CPU-8GB-120GB-SSD for 8 cents/hour. I later tried the 4-CPU offering as well but it gave little more oompf. It did prompt me to rework some of the threading in sqlChain and try to get more connections open to MySQL. So the 2-CPU "dedicated" option was the best so far. No extra charges for bandwidth and IOPS but with more access to raw CPU power. I have to say being able to test out different specs for a few hours, without bothering support or much hassle, is very nice.

I installed sqlChain as per my install guide using the PyPi package and was up and syncing within minutes. Well, almost. Turns out they mess around with the normal Ubuntu install, missing some things and opening up root logins. So first I had to do a bit of server admin to get a customary environment and then zip-zap, up and sqlChaining.

I rsync'd about 75 GB of data from Hudson Valley over to this new system, and continued on. Until my next lesson in hard knocks: don't test new code on a half sync'd database because you may have to start again. I had written the new threading code and local testing showed it should be more than double the speed. The hitch? It actually wasn't working correctly and threw away most of the outputs from about 4 million txs before I noticed. Fix, fix, fix. Tedious sql maneuvering to figure out what txs are toast and delete part of the database, then restart. On it goes... but it does run faster. Tomorrow some numbers...

It's been so long but I am finally getting some more work done on sqlChain. I don't think anyone noticed that it was stalled, or even existed. I saw a few others following it on GitHub but that's probably just onlookers wondering if this would go anywhere. It hasn't yet. I had to work on actual paying projects over the last year. Now I have some time and really want to get this thing flying.

I'm working on a new Bitcoin / Blockchain explorer type site with some hopefully useful and interesting new features. I've already got the domain name: - currently parked right here. I've been fixing up some issues with sqlChain over the last week and readying it for some real testing on an EC2 server.

Setup Screen

I've added the sqlchain-init script to ask a series of setup questions and then create directories, config files, system boot init scripts and do MySQL DB creation. It's working here on my laptop and in the next couple days I'll test it out on a fresh server along with the newly updated PyPi package. I'm expecting users can just pip install it and run the sqlchain-init script to have a working server, though it will assume bitcoind installed.

The other main update is support for manual pruning on upcoming Bitcoin releases. Currently a custom build with PR #7871 is needed for manual pruning. However, this new feature allows safely running a pruning node under sqlChain. It lets sqlChain notify bitcoind which blocks have been processed into MySQL so it won't prune any still required. Stay tuned.

There are four basic ways to run sqlChain. Choosing which model to follow at the outset is best. It is possible to change between models but it will incur a time cost to rework data. You can run sqlChain either with or without the --no-sigs option. This controls whether input sigScript data is maintained and significantly affects storage size. And you can run over a full node or pruning node. These two choices give us the following four combinations, in order of disk usage:

  • --no-sigs, pruning - this case requires the least disk space and discards sigScript data completely. If you want to run an Electrum server or as a backend for some application that doesn't need this data then this minimizes disk cost. It cannot provide raw transaction data in standard form and cannot be used to validate transaction data. Validation was done when bitcoind downloaded the blocks. As of block 370,000 sqlChain will require ~27GB of data and bitcoind as low as ~1GB, for a total disk size of ~28GB.

  • default, pruning - sqlChain keeps sigScript data but the underlying blockchain has been pruned. sqlChain can provide complete raw transaction data in standard form from it's native api interface. As of block 370,000 sqlChain uses ~52GB and bitcoind as low as ~1GB, giving a total disk use of ~53GB.

  • --no-sigs, full - sqlChain does not have sigScript data but the underlying blockchain data is still intact. Raw transaction data can be returned from the rpc interface only. As of block 370,000 sqlChain uses ~27GB and the blockchain (with --txindex) about 51GB, for a total of ~78GB.

  • default, full - both layers have full data, so sigScript data can be queried from either the sqlChain api or rpc interfaces. This uses the maximal disk space of ~103GB. This seems excessive considering once transactions have been validated there is no compelling further use for the sigScript data.

As to changing models after building the sql data the time costs are as follows:

  • removing sigScript data from sqlChain is possible with the stripsigs utility. Depending on system speed it can take several to ~16 hours (as gauged by my aging laptop; it coulld be slower still on a arm based board, without SSD) to scan transaction data and rewrite the external blob data file, currently wiping out ~25GB.

  • adding sigScript data afterwards would require re-building sqlChain from genesis block again; usually quite time consuming (full sync about 160 hours on my ol' laptop). It would be possible to have a utility for rebuilding just this data but I have not bothered to write one.

  • changing a pruning node to full node requires re-downloading the full blockchain from the beginning.

  • going from a full node to pruning node is pretty easy, also quick as it discards blk*.dat files but is non-reversible. If you copy the bitcoin directory and start with the copy as -data-dir option then it will prune the copy, and you can revert to the full one if need be.

I'm personally interested in running a no-sigs, pruning node for a personal Electrum server and will be exploring that over the next few days. There are some gotchas in trying to sync from a pruning node. It is possible, even likely, for the node to prune away data before it gets pulled into the sqlChain database (which would force beginning again). I have code in place now to manage this but as of today it's untested.

With the new blkdat module sqlChain can now read block data directly and by monitoring blk*.dat file presence, along with a nifty btcGate utility, it can pause/resume the pruning node when it can't keep up. My experience over the last few days has been that sqlChain can build sql data at the same time, and as quickly as bitcoind can sync the blockchain. If you have a slower system or low-end VPS then that's pretty sweet.

Coming soon - a full tutorial on installing and running sqlChain.

Any time you store data you have trade offs to consider. I wanted to use sqlChain on low-cost a VPS where every GB pushes up the monthly fee. At a volunteer level I really couldn't see paying for 300GB of SSD disk space as several APIs are reportedly demanding. On Amazon EC2 that would be $30/month for data. No big deal when you have a business model; but kind of costly if you are paying from spare cash to "support the community". I'm also developing on an old laptop with very modest resources and I wanted it to be usable without requiring high-end hardware.

In building sqlChain I chose to reduce data size by eliminating redundancies, and using a few tricks, at the cost of being able to query all values directly in SQL. Some data requires external scripting to access. For the purpose of providing an API layer I think this has worked well, but some analysis cannot be done with SQL alone. C'est la vie. This article discusses these trade offs.

First thing is not storing textual or hex versions of data. That's obvious, and comes at a slight cost in query simplicity because you have to do various conversions on both inserting and selecting data. In sqlChain addresses are stored as 20 byte binary pubkey hashes, and tx/block hashes are stored as 32 byte binary values.

To get to results in a time useful for an API you need to index the data. This is probably the biggest cost, so choosing what and how you index greatly affects both size and speed. I looked for ways to reduce indexed column size. Instead of indexing on 32 byte hash values I used a scheme that truncates hashes as 5 byte IDs, converted to decimal values, requiring ony 6 or 8 bytes. This means that IDs may not directly be unique, requiring a small trade off in speed as you need to check an ID and increment it until an unused value is found. It makes queries only slightly more complex. Instead of a query like: select * from trxs where hash=%s; you need to use select * from trxs where id>=%s and hash=%s limit 1;, with an index built only on the id column. I use this for transaction ids, address ids, and output ids, with a further constraint of output ids being derived from transaction ids, cutting down again on indexing.

To see how well this works I did some testing on collision rates for the IDs. Then I revised the method until collisions were rare enough that you almost always got the first record indexed. In the last test I ran on transaction ids only 1 in 41000 records required even one increment. For address IDs I use a slightly different conversion that encodes the address type (1- or 3-) in the lowest ID bit (odd/even). Both address and transaction ids take 6 bytes and output ids take 7 bytes. In all cases my index files are actually smaller than the data files; usually much smaller, which I consider a big win.

The blockchain has tremedous data redundancies. Almost all input/output records contain standard values. Weird transactions that deviate are a very small percent of the whole, so I looked for ways to encode these redundancies. The biggest space saver is the encoding of output script PK data, which is very often just the pubkey hash with a few extra script bytes. We're already storing the pubkey hash for each output as an ID value, so I can truncate all standard outputs to a single byte. If it's zero, it indicates no more data, and we look at the pubkey hash and ID (low bit) to derive back the orignal scriptPK. There are very few scriptPKs that have a non-zero length byte, and store actual script data.

The locktime and sequence values in each transaction and input record are likewise encoded as single bits, along with a variable input/output count, in a 1 byte header. This reduces data and these values have no common need to be indexed, so not much is given up. If you wanted to count how many transactions have >1000 outputs, or a given locktime you'd have to use a script instead of a SQL query.

The biggest space saver of all is the input script data (sig,pubkey). I still carry this along for now but will add a pruning option that can drop this data. Obviously it's critical for the verification of transactions but after that it is rarely or never used. It accounts for over 25GB of data that in most cases can be simply dropped with no loss of function other than spewing out interesting hex digits on API requests. Once verified by bitcoind they never get used. Rather surprisingly, considering the size of the blockchain, the only data you actually need for spending, other than your private key, is the address, or more specifically the pubkey hash (pkh) bytes, linked to a specific output id (tx,n). These are all maintained in the outputs table as a pair (out_id,addr_id). It's deliberate that the table with most records (outputs) has the smallest row size.

The full SQL schema is in the GitHub repo, but only tells part of the story. The code to handle bit flags and ID values is in the sqlchain support module, lib/

I'm finally back up to block 336,892... Debug Screen

Two weeks ago I started working on my SQL converter again. I've had a new (faster, larger) SSD for months but I was busy and, frankly, lacked the desire to work more on it. During July, on another paid project, I happened to set up an Electrum server and was a little miffed at how long it takes to sync with bitcoind. On this particular VPS it was often taking several minutes per block. Very often when checking my wallet I'd find it was lagging by 2-3 blocks. This then became my new impetus for working again on the project - it is to become much more than just a converter - Introducing sqlChain, a full API layer over the blockchain with Electrum support.

There's nothing special about block 336,892. It's just that in the process of developing sqlChain as a new API platform I discovered flaws in my data schema and conversion that forced me several times to restart the process. I think this is my third time in two weeks. And my fingers are crossed, I'm confident, that this time is it. I've been madly coding while the sqlchain is plodding along in the background (on my ancient laptop, someone please send me a new one).

sqlChain is my attempt to build an API platform over the blockchain using MySQL as backend. Not really something new, except that my priority has been on storage size - the goal is having it take less space than the blockchain. I think I'm succeeding at this, though I'm not yet fully caught up (this moment we're all at 369,927). One of my design parameters was to be able to run a fully capable sqlChain on a pruning node. In this scenario bitcoind becomes a verifying front end for sqlChain, which provides a more fully usable API layer over this. And yes, that includes an Electrum server running on sqlChain, over a pruning node.

Here is some current sqlchain row counts at block 337,037 from the /status API call:

  • trxs 55,543,931
  • addresses 58,949,447
  • outputs 153,007,757

The current total sqlChain data size is 35.8 GB but includes pruneable sigscript data of approx. 17 GB. This data is not required for an Electrum server, nor most typical applications that may run over sqlChain, and can be easily pruned. In theory, we should be able to run an Electrum server over a pruning node using < 1 GB in bitcoind and ~20 GB in sqlchain, with sync times of 5-10 seconds (see screen shot, on my 7 year old Core2Duo laptop, probably much faster on any decent server instance). I'll be very happy if this works out.

sqlChain currently consists of three components, all basically working at this time (with some small bits being incomplete). Being under active development, it needs far more testing. The components are:

  • sqlchaind - the blockchain monitor daemon. Polls bitcoind to sync the blockchain to MySQL, monitors the mempool for unconfirmed txs, and detects orphans. It builds and revises the SQL data. Dependent on bitcoind responding to rpc, it can build sql data as bitcoind syncs.

  • sqlchain-api - a multi-API layer that queries SQL data created above to service applications. At this time it offers Insight, and RPC compatible API interfaces, with some nice extensions. Oh, it also provides a WebSocket interface ( compatible), and includes a basic web server. It's designed to be easy to add new API modules.

  • sqlchain-electrum - a fully functional Electrum server that runs on top of both modules above. At this time this only supports private use. No support for the IRC peer server discovery - which is fine as it needs far more testing before it should be used publicly. This is a suprisingly thin layer over the Insight compatible (extended) API that it actually is more like a proxy, managing subscribed addresses, and otherwise mostly relaying requests down to the underlying API.

The two API daemons are using gevent co-operative threading with the expectation this will allow them to support many concurrent connections. How well this works still needs to be fully tested but given there are three interfaces (web socket, long polling sync, Electrum) that can hold connections open it seems like a good move. Other reports from highly concurrent web servers based on gevent seem to indicate it should do well. sqlchain-api is an WSGI server built with gevent-websocket; which is a layer over pywsgi, providing Web, API and Websocket support.

So, what next? More development work. I have a DEMO WEB/API server here, used for my local testing. I expect to soon move it to an AWS instance for public beta testing. It offers real-time blockchain/sqlchain statistics as part of it's "/status" API. I will add some blog posts describing some of the API extensions, design decisions and performace measures, and a tutorial on running Electrum over a pruning node. The open source code is available on my GitHub. First, I have to fully sync the chain again.

I'd very much welcome feedback from the community. And if so inclined donations will help offset diversions on paid work. Everyone needs to eat.

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